Glen H. Curtiss Park

 Help make the dream of Curtiss Park come true.


The area that will become Curtiss Park was purchased in 2006 by a private group of individuals that donated the area to the Town of Urbana. This area was an old abandoned railroad property that had been a local landfill for the town and village for many years.


The vision for this area is to keep it a low impact park that could be enjoyed by the public without the need to expand motorized motor boating nor additional buildings.


Local volunteers accumulated over 2400 hours of work cutting and clearing years of overgrown plant growth and the Hammondsport Fire Department assisted in three major burns of the brush that was cleared from the new park area.


Students from Alfred State University in the building trades courses spent a few weekends clearing up the debris that was left over from the old landfill days. They had assistance from Steuben County Soil & Water to determine proper grading.


After this old junk was collected, the town highway department disposed of the materials properly.

Our “Friends” group made sure that this rugged group of volunteers would not go hungry.


Drilling rig extracting soil samples to determine the method of support for the bridge and the boardwalk system.


June 2018, the “Friends” group helped sponsor a rock painting event and a third raffle of a painting donated by a local artist to support our fund raising efforts.

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An ADA kayak / canoe launch will also be available for Curtiss Park.


Andrew HIl built this beautiful Kiosk at Curtiss Park for his Eagle Scout Project.